The following powerful and multiple modeling tools are provided.
- Transformation/rotation/scaling of vertices/edges/polygons with small toolkit
- Curve modeling with bevel and follow tools
- Parameter-based primitive shapes that let you make shapes of any size
- Push/Pull tools allow you to cut a 3D shape from a flat surface
- Repair Tools - Eraser, Bridge Fill, Crash, Align, Flip and Flat tools
- Merge Tools - Combine objects/polygons/vertex, Boolean tools.
-Mirror Tool - Each modification is mirrored to the other end of the mirror plane.
-Select Tools - Select All/Unselect, Isolate, Loop, Circle, Invert, and Add tools.
-Cut Tools - Cut, Loop, and Trim tools.
-Surface Tools - Material, UV Transform, and Smooth Grouping tools.
UModeler has powerful and intuitive drawing tools to create a 2D shape that goes beyond triangles and quadrilaterals. Novice and advanced users alike will love the ability to draw any polygon or even a hole.
- Automatic, intelligent triangulation eliminates the need to create additional vertices.
- Topology-based simple polygons (click here to learn more about simple polygons)
- Background cursor snapshots make drawing a piece of cake.
- Drawing tools for lines, parallels, arcs, rectangles, rounded rectangles, discs, and stair sides are provided.
- The nice embedding tool allows you to draw larger or smaller versions of a shape and keep the two shapes equidistant from each other. Multiple embeds are also supported