编辑器/功能拓展 Asset Usage Finder 4.16查找工具

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⭐ Do you have a complex Unity project on your plate?
⭐ Maybe hard-to-understand asset you have imported?
⭐ Want a solution that will help seamlessly, without bulky custom UI?
We know that feel bro!

Introducing Asset Usage Finder v4:
⭐ Asset that will find ALL usages/dependencies/references for you, without hassle
⭐ Everywhere - in Project, Scene and Nested Prefab Staging

✔ Full Unity 2018.4+ support including Nested Prefabs and Prefab Variants
✔ Seach for usages of AnimatorController states
✔ Usage search for ALL types of assets, e.g.: Scripts, Shaders, Scenes, Materials, Sprites, Prefabs, Fonts, Textures, Sounds...
✔ Search for usages in: Prefabs, Scenes, Atlases, Materials and others
✔ Replacement of referenced assets
✔ Search for further usages in the same window and easily return back
✔ Up to 20 times faster search thanks to cache
✔ Source codes included
✔ Native Unity Editor UI - Dark and light styles support
✔ Works with NodeCanvas, Mecanim and uGUI

⭐ 你有一个复杂的Unity项目吗?
⭐ 也许很难理解您导入的资产?
⭐ 想要一个无缝的解决方案,而不需要庞大的自定义UI吗?

⭐ 资产将为您找到所有用法/依赖关系/引用,无需麻烦
⭐ 无处不在——项目、场景和嵌套预制阶段

✔ 完整的Unity 2018.4+支持,包括嵌套预制件和预制变体
✔ 搜索AnimatorController状态的用法
✔ 使用搜索所有类型的资产,例如:脚本、着色器、场景、材质、精灵、预制件、字体、纹理、声音。。。
✔ 搜索用途:预制件、场景、地图集、材料和其他
✔ 替换参考资产
✔ 在同一窗口中搜索更多用法并轻松返回
✔ 由于缓存,搜索速度提高了20倍
✔ 包含源代码
✔ 原生Unity编辑器UI-支持深色和浅色样式
✔ 适用于NodeCanvas、Mecanim和uGUI

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