▲ This Pro Shader is a complex material with four layers: a base diffuse layer, a base glossy layer, reflective coating layer, overlay layer, fresnel layer, metallic flakes layer, and clear coat layer. The material allows the adjustment of each of these layers separately.
▲ There are four shaders included. The regular car paint shader has a ‘Base Paint’ layer and a ‘Reflective Coating’ layer. There is also a shader with an extra ‘Overlay’ layer available, this could be used for dirt, wear and decals. Both of these layers have a transparent and a opaque variant.
▲ The shaders are built up with different layers, each layer has it’s own lighting and relevant settings.
▲The car paint shaders use maps to render the flakes. In order to ease the creation of these maps the package includes a tool for generating procedurally these maps.