Cloth Dynamics is a fast and advanced particle-based physics system mostly running on the GPU with compute shaders.
Some parts of the C# source code depend on Unity's Burst, Collections and Shader Graph packages.
- One of the fastest GPU based cloth simulations.
- Unified solution for character clothing.
- GPU Skinning (with Unity Standard- or Dual Quaternion Skinning)
- Cloth interaction with unity colliders based on SDF calculations.
- Quicker loading times with pre-cached data.
- Per cloth adjustable solver data.
- Simple LOD system to fade between skinned mesh and cloth sim.
- Cloth proxies: drive high resolution meshes using low-res simulations.
- Independent compression, stretch and bend constraints.
- Cloth can collide with itself and other cloth pieces.
- Supports all standard Unity colliders plus stretched spheres and round cones.
- Automatic camera culling.
- Mesh collision with a point-to-point system (using vertices or triangles).
- Mobile support (only primitive collisions e.g. spheres, cubes,... ).
- Full C# source code included, compute shaders of V2 are pre-compiled.
- No WebGL Support!
Easy-to-use integrated editor tools:
- Automatic character setup for bone-driven colliders.
- Fast Vertex painter and vertex color transfers.
- Garment tool to create cloth in Unity.