纹理/着色 InTerra ~ Terrain Features 2.1.0 物体融合地形优化着色器


The main feature of this Asset is the visual integration of Objects into Terrain.

It was designed to be as realistic and seamless as possible. It is also very easy to use, there is no need for script attachment, you just choose the shader as you can see in the video.

There are also a lot of options for Terrain texturing so you can hide the texture repetition, use heightmap blending, triplanar mapping, parallax occlusion mapping or automatic steep slopes texturing.

There are the Standard and the Diffuse shaders for the Built-in render pipeline and Lit shaders for URP and HDRP.

Built-in shaders are supported for PC(Windows), Linux and Android (with the Diffuse shaders and the lightest setup it can run smoothly even on mobile devices), the shaders were also tested in VR.

URP and HDRP shaders are currently supported for PC(Windows) and are available only from version 2021.2.0f1.

If you are using URP or HDRP it is needed for the Shader Variant Limit (in Edit/Preferences/Shader Graph) to be set at least to 1152 for URP or 1538 for HDRP!

You can see the list of the shaders features in Technical details.

The folders in version for Unity 2021.2.0f1 were rearranged so you can deselect the Built-in, URP or HDRP folder before the import if you don't need it.

If you have any questions or problems you can visit InTerra Forum Thread.

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